SUPPORT: On the evening of May 26, 2008 a call from Roger KØYY on the PCRC repeater system (146.895 & 146.910) who was looking for stations to monitor the system. Roger was up at the Burning Bear Camp ground on the Guanella Pass Road with the Alpine SAR group. They were looking for two overdue hikers in very poor weather conditions: fog, rain and snow. Padre WØWPD had alerted me that Roger was on 2 meters and looking for monitoring stations.
The campground is on the Southern side of the Pass and this makes it convenient for the Hams in the SAR teams to use the Kenosha repeater. In fact, that location is really the only repeater that they can use to get to the outside world. The Alpine SAR has 17 Hams in it’s group.
SUCCESS: THE HIKERS WERE LOCATED and Roger got home about 00:30.
APPOINTMENT: Roger KØYY has been appointed Emergency Coordinator for Clear Creek and Gilpin Counties that is District 9.