The Park County Radio Club, Inc. operates two 2 meter and one 70 cm repeaters. One of the two meter repeaters is located on Dick Mountain, just outside of Bailey Colorado. The Bailey repeater operates on 146.895 MHz with a minus offset and a 100.0 Hz tone. Running 25 watts, and at close to 9000′ it provides coverage in the Bailey and 285 corridor area. The Bailey repeater is also connected to EchoLink at ABØPC-R and to the Allstar network node 45835. The call sign for this repeater is ABØPC
The Bailey repeater is linked to the Denver Skyhub Link System (, which provides wide area coverage throughout Colorado and beyond. Details on the Skyhub Link System are the website
The other 2 meter repeater is located near Fairplay Colorado on Beaver Ridge. The Beaver Ridge repeater operates on 147.090 MHz with a plus offset and a 100.0 Hz tone. Running 25 watts, at an elevation of 10250′ it provides coverage to most of the South Park area. The Beaver Ridge repeater is linked to the Bailey repeater using the Allstar network. The Allstar network node is node 45840. The call sign for this repeater is ABØPC
The 70 cm repeater is located on Sacramento Mountain southwest of Fairplay on 447.125 MHz with a negative offset and a 103.5 Hz tone. Running at 40 watts at an elevation of 11,138′ it provides coverage to most of the South Park area and Highway 9 from Fairplay to the top of Hoosier pass. It is not linked to any other system and does not have Allstar or Echolink access.
Dick MT – 146.895 Approximate Coverage
Beaver Ridge – 147.090 Approximate Coverage

Sacramento MT – 447.125 Approximate Coverage