Summer Field Day June 22 – 23, 2024
This year PCRC will be joining Rocky Mountain Ham at their location in South Park. There is plenty of room for anyone to attend and come as early as Wednesday the 19th and camp out. You do need to sign up if you plan to attend to make sure there is enough food available.
For details and contest rules be sure to visit the website:
https://ARRL Field Day

Directions to Summer Field Day location
Highway 285 south to Jefferson (just at the bottom of Kenosha Pass)
In Jefferson, turn left on County Road 77 (look for the building with a train and an eagle painted on it
and turn left just before it) which is the first turn in Jefferson and proceed to Stagestop Road
Turn right on Stagestop Road and continue to the top of the hill (about 2.4 miles) and turn right on
Overland Circle. There’s a sign there on the left-hand side that says Wells Fargo Circle. (note that there’s
another Wells Fargo Circle on the left before you get to Overland Circle, but there’s no right turn there.
Continue to the second Wells Fargo Circle sign on the left) Turn right there on Overland Circle.
Take Overland Circle and bear left at .13 miles (still Overland Circle) and take it .5 miles to Persian Way.
Turn right on Persian Way.
Take Persian Way 1.1 miles all the way to the end and make a right on Travois Road.
Take Travois Road .38 miles to Mustang (the Travois sign on the pole is bent up and almost unreadable
and the Mustang sign is missing) and turn left on Mustang. (There’s brownish house with a green roof
on the left and a white junkyard house on the right)
Take Mustang Road .5 miles and turn left on Lippzana Road and then make a left on Lippzana Road. You
will pass Hanover Ln at .25 miles and Hackney Ln at .48 miles. At .67 miles, you will see a sign that says
“Chestnut Ln and Lippzana Road” at that Y intersection. Bear left at the cones and up the hill on the
Please sign up using the form below: