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Desk Microphone

Desk Microphone

Make an offer. I'll accept anything This is a Heil HM-12 desk microphone. Not used and only blemish is where…
Total views: 55
Price: Free
Yaesu Az/El Rotor with Controller

Yaesu Az/El Rotor with Controller

This Yaesu AZ/EL Rotor with remote controller was used to successfully contact the ISS. It does not come with the…
Total views: 52
Price: $ 1,000.00
VHF / UHF Circularly Polarized Yagis

VHF / UHF Circularly Polarized Yagis

SET M2 VHF / UHF Circularly Polarized antennas. Used for ISS contact.
Total views: 23
Price: $ 750.00
DMR 50 Watt amp

DMR 50 Watt amp

DMR 50 Watt Amplifier. SMA input with SO239 output. Anderson power poles on the power harness. Please make an offer.
Total views: 19
Price: Free